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世界心臟日2023 跑步強心齊齊GO


❤️ 運動強心
Exercising can strengthen the heart muscle. ≥150mins of moderate-intensity/75mins of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week can improve the heart’s ability to pump blood.
❤️ 躍動身心
Exercising can increase the flexibility of blood vessels and reduce stress, thus lower blood pressure. Regular exercise can improve both physical and mental health.
❤️ 運動降膽
Regular exercise can improve cholesterol levels by raising HDL(“good”) cholesterol and lowering LDL(“bad”) cholesterol.
❤️ 減重健心
Exercise can help manage weight by burning calories and building muscle. Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
❤️ 急救護心
Exercise also carries a risk of sudden cardiac death. Learning basic first aid skills can help you handle emergencies better.